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Nusach for the Yomim Noraim 

and Sukkot

This web site is a child of the Covid-19 pandemic. In anticipation of the Yomim Noraim and the many individuals in the community who will be unable to attend services, I was asked to make a recording of the nusach for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur to give those who are unable to attend a taste, a geshmak, if you will, of the yom tov davening.


The tracks on this site are my modest attempt to fulfill this request. They represent the nusach which I was taught as a young choir boy and which has served as the core of my yom tov davening ever since.


A word of caution - I am not a professional chazzen or singer.  I am simply one who has been privileged to  serve as a Baal Tefilah, as  one of thousands  of  Baalei Tefilah - agents of and advocates for the Jewish People. 


This nusach expresses my tefilah mehalev.


It is my hope and prayer  to the Almighty, that the listener will find inspiration in the nusach of the yomim noraim, that the prayers that emanate from our hearts shall be accepted, and that the the New Year will see the coming of Moshiach soon and in our days.


Wishing all a Kesivah Vachasima Tova; a healthy and safe New Year and a truly enjoyable and inspiring Sukkot.


Judah Lifschitz


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Here you will find nusach selections for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and the newly added Sukkot selections. They are presented with the hope that especially during these trying times they will be inspiring and and meaningful.


A very special thank you to both Simcha Leiner for his advice, support, and guest vocal and to the very talented Shua Sorcher for producing this album.


© Judah Lifschitz 2020


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© Judah Lifschitz 

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